Collateral management

Euroclear Bank

Our clients trust us to mobilise more than €1 trillion daily. Unlock the true potential of your portfolio in a robust, safe and proven environment

As regulations and markets shift you need to have the right collateral in the right place at the right time.
You need to respond to opportunities and risk quickly without compromising on security, liquidity and balance sheet priorities.

Euroclear’s Collateral Highway lets you mobilise your collateral across borders, providers and time zones using our neutral and global open architecture infrastructure for collateral management.

We are operationally robust, resilient and financially secure partner, you can rely on us to invest continually for the long-term, anticipating how changing regulations, technology and globalisation will affect your needs in the future.

Collateral management

You need to have your collateral in the right place at the right time.

Our open Collateral Highway platform gives you access to one of the largest global collateral pools so you can collateralise, optimise and mobilise your assets by:

  • maximising your existing agent bank relationships (Open Inventory Sourcing)
  • controlling assets in either the Euroclear or DTCC systems (IMS)
  • using pre-defined baskets of securities in the triparty repo market (€GCPlus)
  • accessing the low risk, centrally-cleared Eurosystem environment
  • automating collateral matching, selection, substitution and margin calls
  • providing mark-to-market collateral valuations and bespoke reporting

OTC derivatives

Banks turn to us for the safest, proven derivatives margin solution available. We make sure you are compliant and in control on a scalable, cost-effective basis. And, we protect all parties involved.

Securities financing

Balance sheet and regulatory pressures mean you need to put your securities inventory to work through the interbank market and use them to access liquidity from national central banks.

We help you to:

  • manage risk as one of the safest counterparties you can work with
  • access securities when you need using the largest pools of assets in the world
  • leverage your equity collateral across your entire firm
  • access central bank liquidity - Euro area banks use our triparty programme to mobilise collateral wherever it is
  • control collateral costs in one of the lowest cost environments

Collateral takers

Treasurers and asset managers are using repo to manage cash investments in a risk controlled and efficient manner.

We help users deploy a repo strategy to secure additional financing / potential yield, diversify investment channels, reduce concentration risk.

Firms call on us for our:

  • simple processes with minimal paperwork
  • highly standardised, yet flexible and secure solutions 
  • leading global asset pool and the quality counterparties available

Our tariff

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