Connecting markets and their participants across the world

We are a global partner to firms and markets across the Americas, Asia, Europe and CEEMEA.

If you are a Global Financial Institution, Global Investment bank or involved in Primary Market issuance find out who to contact by clicking 'other' below the map.

In all other instances select the region you are located in on the map below.

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Chief Commercial Officer
Americas & Global Financial Institutions
Miguel Ferreira
Relationship Management
US, Canada, Caribbean & Latin America
Rudi Fernandez Michiels


Chief Commercial Officer
Sara Cescutti
Ad-interim Unit Head Sales & Relationship Management
Funds Issuers & Assets Owners
Koen Van Baren
Head of Relationship Management
Marta López
Head of Sales & Relationship Management
UK, Ireland, Channel Islands, CIS, and Japanese financial institutions in Europe
Shweta Bhatia

Middle East, Africa & Turkey

Head of Relationship Management
Middle East, Africa & Turkey
Sylvain Bigaud


Chief Commercial Officer for APAC
Hong Kong, Northern Asia and Pacific
Luc Vantomme
Head of Relationship Management
South Asia and Indian sub-continent
Joseph Tan
Head of Relationship Management
China and Chinese worldwide
Tracy Chen
Head of Relationship Management
Ryo Kosuda


Head of Relationship Management
Global Financial Institutions
Guido Devries
Head of Relationship Management
Primary Market Relations and Int'l Fixed Income Product Management
Dan Kuhnel
Head of Relationship Management
Global Investment Banks
Nicolas Landman
Global Head of Official Institutions
Official Institutions
François Tilly

Asia Pacific

We have a long standing presence and commitment to the Asia Pacific region having been present for over 20 years.

Our local operating centre and offices directly support the development and growth of the local markets and participants.

· Beijing
· Hong Kong
· Singapore
· Tokyo

Through our many local market connections we are helping Asia Pacific clients to get better access to other Asia markets as well as the Americas and Europe. We also help European and US clients with a safe way to invest into Asia.


We have a leading presence across Europe. We operate six CSDs and one international central securities depository.

· Brussels
· France
· Finland
· Ireland
· the Netherlands
· Sweden
· UK

Our focus is to deliver certainty in an uncertain environment by helping our clients adapt their approach to funding and collateral management while delivering safety and consistency to the funds industry.


As a neutral, international market infrastructure we support a range of countries and firms across the Americas.

We work to help local markets connect to international investors - helping clients source and mobilise their global assets across borders and time zones.