Leveraging financial market infrastructures through innovation

Since the acquisition of Goji and the development of a new private market funds solution, Euroclear has been exchanging views with clients and private market funds experts on the role Financial Markets Infrastructures can play to ease access to these funds. 

The lack of standardisation and digital infrastructure in private markets continues to limit access to this attractive asset class for an expanding investor base. Although new regulations have been introduced to support broader adoption, operational and technological challenges continue to impede the distribution and expansion of private market funds.


This whitepaper outlines these challenges and explores how technological innovation, bolstered by the operational experience and global reach of Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs), can provide solutions that unlock access to private markets.

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“The current market needs to adapt as investors and asset managers increasingly look to access private markets. This presents an opportunity for Euroclear to be part of this transformation.”

Valérie Urbain – Chief Business Officer, Euroclear