Ivan Nicora
Head of Investor Services, Managing Director - Euroclear
Ivan Nicora, is Head of Investor Services. In this capacity, he drives the development of related new products and services across Euroclear (I)CSDs and defines the overall portfolio of asset servicing services for Euroclear group clients.
Until end 2018, Ivan Nicora acted as CEO of Euroclear Bank Hong Kong Branch as well as Regional Head of Asia Pacific, overseeing Euroclear’s offices in Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo, with responsibility for all of Euroclear’s business activities and clients in the Asia-Pacific region.
Prior to this, he held senior positions in Euroclear’s Commercial, Product Management, Risk Management, Network Management and Operations divisions.
Ivan has over 30 years of experience in the financial industry, joining Euroclear in 1990.
He holds a degree in Commercial Engineering from the Solvay Business School (Belgium).