Any reference in this BREXIT section to the UK exiting the European Union on 29 March 2019 should now be read as 31 December 2020

The purpose of this briefing is to provide an overview of the impact of Brexit on the Euroclear group CSDs.

The content of this briefing is strictly limited to matters connected with Brexit, and is for your information purposes only and does not form part of any contractual agreement entered into by the clients/participants and any Euroclear Group CSD.

Euroclear shall not be required to update this briefing, but shall endeavour to do so, if it considers necessary.

Clients and participants of any Euroclear Group CSD are invited to contact their relevant Relationship

Manager or Commercial contact should they have any specific questions in connection with this briefing.

In addition, clients and participants are encouraged to share any potential impacts they foresee to their current relationship with any of the Euroclear group CSDs - including any proposed corporate restructuring which may impact their current membership with a Euroclear group CSD or a change to their current use of the CSD services. 

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