Top 10 shareholders

Euroclear Holding SA/NV

As of 31 January 2025


Shares - Percentage

1. Sicovam Holding S.A. 

500,120 - 15.89%

500,120 shares - 15.89%

2. Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations 

359,063 - 11.41%

359,063 shares - 11.41%

3. Société Fédérale de Participations et d'Investissement SA/NV (SFPIM) *

310,038 - 9.85%

310,038 shares - 9.85 %

4. Consortium of Belgian shareholders **

288,723 - 9.17%

288,723 shares - 9.17%

5. NZSF Euro Limited

272,770 - 8.67%

272,770 shares - 8.67%

6. Kuri Atyak Investment Ltd

228,190 - 7.25%

228,190 shares - 7.25%

7. Novo Holdings A/S

157,372 - 4.99%

157,372 shares - 4.99%

8. GIC ***

157,215 - 4.99%

157,215 shares - 4.99%

9. NSW TCorp ****

154,716 - 4.92%

154,716 shares - 4.92%

10. Euronext Brussels SA

111,186 - 3.53%

111,186 shares - 3.53%

* SFPIM also holds an additional 3.07% stake as part of the Consortium of Belgian shareholders


A consortium of seven Belgian investors holds a combined total of 9,17% of issued share capital. These participations are included as part of the totals shown above for the relevant top 10 shareholders. The seven Belgian investors are: % NB of Shares
AG Insurance NV/SA 1.15% 36,098
Belfius Insurance NV/SA 1.15% 36,098
Ethias NV/SA 1.15% 36,098
Fédérale Assurance, Association d’assurances mutuelles sur la Vie 1.00% 31,475
Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen NV/SA 1.15% 36,098
Societe Regionale d’Investissement de Wallonie NV/SA 0.51% 16,140
Societe Federale de Participations et d'Investissement SA 3.07% 96,716
  9.17% 288,723

*** Held via Amber Red Investment Pte Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of GIC (Ventures) Pte Ltd

**** Held via J.P. Morgan Nominees Australia Pty Limited as nominee for JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (Sydney Branch) as custodian for New South Wales Treasury Corporation, as trustee for TCorpIM Opportunistic Fund G

Top 10 holders of ordinary shares, per family (incl. Belgian consortium)

2,539,393 – 80.67%

2,539,393 shares – 80.67%

Total remaining holders

608,070 – 19.33%

608,070 shares – 19.33%

Total ordinary shares

3,147,463 – 100.00%

3,147,463 shares - 100.00%


Bernhard Tallian
Global Head of Investor Relations

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Thomas Churchill
Global Head of Corporate Communications

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Pascal Brabant
Head of Strategic External Communications

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