Data Protection - Euroclear Finland

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) expands the individual’s rights and sets specific requirements for organisations that process personal data.

Euroclear Finland is committed to protecting personal data that it processes and to following the principles of good data processing. On this page, we have published privacy notices containing descriptions of the processing of personal data in Euroclear Finland and information on your rights and how you can exercise your rights. 

Contact us - happy to help

Data Protection office

MyEuroclear profile

To review or amend your areas of interest, please login to MyEuroclear to review you profile >



Being a client of a CSD

We have created a document that outlines the key issues of the GDPR for of an issuer, a user of our services or an owner and the Central Securities Depository (CSD). We will send the document to you by a request.