Services for issuers

Effortless yet effective securities issuance

Our services include general meeting services, owner info service as well as insider register services.
As you look to meet your shareholders' expectations and compliance obligations, you also have an eye on securing new investors and managing costs.

"Issuers choose to work with us for our ability to cut complexity and risk. We offer fast and cost-effective securities issuance and distribution services", says Esa Kankkunen, Sales and Relationship Manager in Euroclear Finland.

You benefit from efficient issuer services and corporate action processing, as well as expert client support, throughout the lifecycle of your instruments. And to ensure you have access to an up-to-date list of shareholders at all times, you maintain owner information in a digitalised format.

Check our services: 

See the updated General meeting table which lists the general meeting dates of companies incorporated into the Finnish book-entry system in 2024. The table is in Excel format.

Please contact us and we will tell you about our customised services for you. 

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General Meeting Services

Successful general meeting with our services

We offer companies and other organizations services supporting the preparation and conducting of a general meeting. You can choose between full-scope GM services or lighter reporting services. The services are easy to use over a secure internet user interface.

Electronic general meeting services – a modern choice for shareholders

Our electronic meeting services comprise:
  • Registration of notifications
  • Advance voting and following voting status

Customized services for your needs

The following services can be chosen for both full-scope and reporting services:

  • User interface for managing notifications
  • Electronic notification service via the company’s web pages; the company can modify the look of the notification links
  • Call center service
  • Transfer of nominee-registered shareholders´notices of attendance to Extranet 
  • SMS and/or email to notified persons
  • Reports for following the notification status 
  • Software for the public display of the shareholder register at the meeting venue
  • Delivery of voting tickets

In addition, the full-scale service includes:

  • Euroclear’s equipment at the general meeting venue 
  • Euroclear’s experts at the general meeting venue
  • Registering participants
  • Reports of attendance for the chairman at the meeting venue 
  • Counting votes with bar code technique or electronic voting at the general meeting venue
  • Lists of participants to be appended to the meeting minutes 

Our range of services includes voting pads which make registration into the meeting faster and enables a quick voting on the agenda items. 

Online general meeting is the choice of today

An online general meeting is a safe and easy way to arrange a general meeting. A shareholder can participate either through a mobile device or through a laptop. The online meeting can be entirely remote or it can be a hybrid meeting, in which some of the participants join remotely and others are physically present at the meeting venue.

Webcast registering service

With webcast registering service, your company gets the information of the registered shareholders. Our webcast registering service does not include the webcast video conference part, which you would need to cover with another service provider. 

The right of shareholders to participate in the general meetings

The right of shareholders to participate in the general meetings of listed companies is stipulated in the Companies Act, Chapter 5, 6a § and 19 §.

The right to participate in a general meeting belongs only to a shareholder who has been entered into the company’s shareholder register eight bank days prior to the general meeting (general meeting record date).

In addition, the Securities Market Association publishes policies and document templates related to general meetings (only in Finnish). 

Implications of SRDII

The Shareholders’ Rights Directive (SRDII) will came into force in September 2020. These will have an impact on equity issuers, custodians and the Central Securities Depository (CSD). The new regulation is to enhance the rights of shareholders in corporate actions, including general meetings, and improve communication between the equity issuer and the shareholder. 

Read more>

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Owner info

Easy access to owner and holding information – always up to date

With the help of Owner info, a company in the Finnish book-entry system can easily order reports of its owners as well as of the changes in their holdings. Owner info is part of the Extranet product family, together with the GM extranet and the insider register (Sire) service.

Option and share management

The management service is targeted at companies who want to monitor the transactions of shares or options issued in the book-entry system.

The transaction report of options and shares enables the effective management service, maintenance and data orders of the sales transactions of company staff options and shares. This helps in inquiring about the actual transaction prices from persons who have sold the options, thus making it possible for the company to take care of withholding taxes and other payments related to employer’s obligations. 

Comprehensive range of material in Owner info

You can order information on e.g.  

  • Lists of owners, holders and waiting list 
  • Largest owners
  • Address information and extraction
  • Extraxt of shareholders, direct marketing
  • Distribution divided by owner or holding
  • Foreign ownership
  • Changes in the amount of holdings

Owner info – benefits in a nutshell

  • Owners’ basic information, holdings and their changes are always up to date: they are updated every bank day 
  • User interface reports are available in Finnish, Swedish and English 
  • Using a recurring order is an efficient way of automating the ordering of information such as the owner information required for interim reports
  • Secure internet connection 

Insider register service (Sire)

Maintaining insider registers with Sire

Euroclear Finland’s insider register service is targeted at issuers of financial instruments as well as Investment service companies and other stakeholders obliged to maintain an insider register. 

Sire offers an efficient software for maintaining an insider register and for monitoring insiders’ trading of securities.

Sire is always up to date:

  • Holdings in book-entry system are automatically updated into the insider register 
  • Up-to-date information based on the end-of-day status of the preceding bank day

How to use Sire:

  • Maintain information on insiders, their closely related persons and managerial responsibilities  
  • Order reports on persons subject to the disclosure obligation and their holdings 
  • See individual book-entry system holdings in Sire 
  • Maintain project-specific non-public registers  

Good to know: 

  • It is easy to regularly monitor the securities transactions of persons subject to the disclosure obligation  
  • Secure internet connection 
  • You can order an unlimited number of different reports  (in three languages, pdf and xml formats) with a monthly fee 


In Sire, issuers can follow the transaction reporting of managerial and their closely related persons. The service gives insider lists based on the information reported to the register, as well as basic information for the reports to be sent to the supervising authority and the stock exchange.  

Reports from the service:

  • Insider list
  • List of management personnel subject to the disclosure obligation
  • Management holdings 
  • List of insider registers 
  • Management’s business transactions to be reported to the Financial Supervisory Authority or the Stock Exchange)

Market parties and other stakeholders obliged to maintain an insider register

Via the service, the company gets application services complying with government regulations, for the purpose of maintaining an insider register as well as the corresponding insider listings and lists. The service yields several reports for tracking the holdings and holding changes of insiders, either from a public or non-public insider register.

Reports from the service, among others:

  • Holdings of persons subject to the disclosure obligation
  • Changes in the holdings of persons subject to the disclosure obligation   
  • Holdings of one person subject to the disclosure obligation  
  • Display material of persons subject to the disclosure obligation  
  • List of all the company projects in which the person subject to the disclosure obligation is involved 
  • List of all the persons involved in a specific project

The NetSire service on a company's web page links to Euroclear Finland's NetSire, providing the insider register´s display for public inspection. The company can also arrange the public insider register’s display through Euroclear Finland's customer service. 

Yield payment services

In the book-entry system, dividends are always paid in the system to the bank account which is associated with the shareholder’s book-entry account. The parties in the dividend payment process are the issuer, Account Operator and Euroclear Finland.

The issuer is responsible for notifying Euroclear Finland about the forthcoming payment and transfer the net payment to the depositary participant according to our instructions. The issuer gets payment protection once the depositary participant has received the issuer’s net payment to the stated bank account.


The depository participants will pay the net dividends to the shareholders and report the paid dividends to the shareholders and tax authorities. Euroclear Finland reports the self-assessed taxes and the annual information to the tax authorities on behalf of the depositary participant.  

More detailed information about the yield payment (dividend payments and interests, loan amortizations) process and responsibilities can be found in our rules and CEO’s decision "Yield payments in the Book-Entry System"

The dividend payment record date is the second register day from the meeting date. The dividend payment date is the fifth bank day from the record date at the earliest.

Equity corporate actions

Various equity corporate actions, such as merger of shares and issuance of new shares can be executed easily and reliably in the book-entry system, according to the agreed timetable. We always take care of the issuance of new shares in the book-entry system, once the shares have been registered in the trade register. More information on the execution of equity corporate actions can be found in our rules and CEO’s decision "Issuances and Corporate Actions in the Book-Entry System".

Contact us

Dividends           Equity Corporate Actions
358 (20) 770 6648           358 (20) 770 6649
ca.finland(at)           ca.finland(at)

Ban on direct marketing and non-disclosure in Finland

Euroclear Finland maintains shareholder registers and waiting lists information about companies incorporated into the Finnish book-entry system.

According to law this kind of information is public. You can consult the shareholder register and the waiting list in the premises of the Central Securities Depository.

Ban on direct marketing or non-disclosure request sent to the Population Information Centre or to any other equivalent register is not updated in the shareholder register maintained by Euroclear Finland.

If you do not wish your personal data to be used for direct marketing or for market research and opinion polls, you can send a ban on direct marketing request to us.

What does ban of direct marketing contain?

It covers all companies incorporated in the book-entry system. However, companies may mail company related material to their shareholders.

What is non-disclosure?

The issuance of a non-disclosure for personal safety is an exceptional protection measure that restricts the disclosure of personal data such as your address and place and municipality of residence from the Population Information System. Only the authorities that have the right to process data subject to a non-disclosure will be able to access it. 

How to move forward?

The non-disclosure request and non-disclosure can be sent to us:

  • by email or mail
  • include your name, date of birth and address
  • in order to register non-disclosure we need a copy of the decision of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. Also an extract from Population Information System is accepted if the authority has registered the beginning and possible end date of non-disclosure
Please follow the below links to reach the service platform

How to contact us:
Euroclear Finland Ltd
Issuer Services
P.O. Box 1110
FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland

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