Statistics - Male and female investors

The following statistics shows holders and holdings between male and female investors.

Only publicly listed Finnish companies are included in this statistics. Gender has been identified for holders who have a Finnish personal ID. Holders in this statistics belong mainly to the household sector. Also foreigners living in Finland who have a Finnish personal ID are included in these figures. Other natural persons with no personal ID are excluded.

Distribution of gender in companies with most household holders

Distribution of gender in companies with most household shareholders

10 publicly listed Finnish companies with most household holders. The statistics shows also the number of holders divided into male and female investors.

Listed companies with the highest proportion of female investors

Listed companies with the highest proportion of female investors

Publicly listed Finnish companies which are most popular among female investors. The statistics shows the proportion of female investors in relation to all household investors and holdings.

Listed companies with the highest proportion of male investors

Listed companies with the highest proportion of male investors

Publicly listed Finnish companies which are most popular among male investors. The statistics shows the proportion of male investors in relation to all household investors and holdings.

Breakdown of gender in companies with most household owners in relation to all owners

Breakdown of gender in companies with most household owners in relation to all owners

Publicly listed Finnish companies which has most household owners in relation to all owners in the company. The statistics shows the proportional number of male and female investors separately.

Breakdown of gender in companies in which household owners have most holdings in relation to all holdings

Breakdown of gender in companies in which household owners have most holdings in relation to all holdings

Publicly listed Finnish companies in which household owners have most holdings in relation to all holdings in the company. The statistics shows the proportional holdings of male and female investors separately.

The breakdown of household owners in publicly listed Finnish companies

The breakdown of household owners in publicly listed Finnish companies

The breakdown of household holdings in publicly listed Finnish companies

The breakdown of household holdings in publicly listed Finnish companies