
The statistics are focused on holders and holdings in Finnish companies.

We publish statistics regarding a variety of areas on a regular basis.

The following pages gives you insight into statistics on shareholders and owner structures of Finnish companies and co-operatives affiliated to the book-entry system. These sections are updated monthly according to the last calendar day. The sections with information on owner structures and male/female investors are updated quarterly.

Statistics for July will be published on week 32.

Statistics regarding holding information consist of four different kinds of diagrams.

The statistics below consist of:

  • Development of the number of holders
  • 25 largest companies measured by the number of holders
  • Development of the number of valid book-entry accounts
  • Development of the number of type accounts

Development of the number of holders

Development of the number of shareholders

The following statistics shows the number of holders of Finnish issuers on the last calendar day of the previous month. A comparison is produced based on the corresponding period last year.

25 largest companies measured by the number of holders

25 largest companies measured by the number of shareholders

The following statistics shows 25 largest Finnish issuers measured by the number of holders. You can find a pdf-file covering all Finnish issuers in the book-entry system with the number of their holders in the end of this page.

Development of the number of valid book-entry accounts

Development of the number of valid book-entry accounts

The following statistics shows the number of valid book-entry accounts on the last calendar day of the previous month. A comparison is produced based on the corresponding period last year.

Development of the number of type accounts

Development of the number of type accounts

The following statistics shows the number of type accounts on the last calendar day of the previous month. A comparison is produced based on the corresponding period last year.

A type account is an occurrence of book-entries of one ISIN on a book-entry account. When an investor has same ISIN on two different book-entry accounts these occurrences form two type accounts. However, the investor is seen as one owner from the issuer’s perspective. Same applies if the company has two ISINs issued and the investor owns both of them – the ownership of these separate ISINs forms then two type accounts although those holdings are on one book-entry account and the investor is still seen as one owner from the issuer’s perspective.