Equity issuer contacts Euroclear Finland prior to publishing the general meeting notice, agreeing on the required services and information transfer to Euroclear Finland.
1. General meeting notice
Listed companies send a general meeting notice to Euroclear Finland. The notice has to be delivered simultaneously with the stock exchange release. The agenda of the meeting is a mandatory part of the notice, as it is necessary for the delivery of the voting instructions. In addition to agenda items, the following information is required from the equity issuer:
- Can an agenda item be voted on
- What are the voting options
- Is a vote binding or advisory.
Non-listed companies have to disclose at least the basic information, such as the meeting date and the record date.
2. Storing and conveying the information
Euroclear Finland stores the general meeting information in its system and informs its depository participants about the meeting with a SWIFT message.
Depository participants convey the information about the general meeting in the message format to their clients.
3. General meeting instructions for nominee registered shareholders
On behalf of their clients, depository participants deliver instructions for the general meeting to Euroclear Finland. A shareholder’s instruction may include:
- Registration to the temporary shareholder list
- Registration to the general meeting
- Voting instructions per agenda item
- Request to confirm the votes after the meeting
Voting instructions can be delivered via SWIFT messages only, if the general meeting information contains the agenda items. Registrations and voting instructions can be sent until the deadline mentioned in the meeting notice.