Euroclear Finland organized together with Lumi an online general meeting event targeted to Euroclear issuer clients and other key players in AGMs. The key topic was online participation and the future hybrid AGMs. A lively panel discussion raised some important points like the equal rights of foreign and domestic shareholders for online participation and the importance of pre-AGM votes.  

Pete Fowler, Managing Director from Lumi: 

“Hybrid meetings are growing in popularity and more organisations are adopting this method to communicate with their members. Those that held their AGM with remote attendees during 2020 found attendance, engagement and participation increased comparing to 2019.

Already today any shareholder can attend either in-person or virtually from anywhere in the world. This obviously saves usually many kind of resources like commuting time and usually also expenses, from the shareholders point of view. Virtual meetings will become the defacto choice for Issuers, with the option of adding on an in-room component.”

Esa Kankkunen, Sales and Relationship Manager from Euroclear Finland 

“Our main focus in service development is the reliability and usability of the services. Thus we collaborate with the most skilled players in these markets. This way we can ensure the best solutions and the latest information for our clients.”

Lumi is the leading digital platform facilitating in-room, hybrid and virtual AGMs for the world’s largest corporations and membership organizations. Totally over 130 participants joined this online event and familiarized themselves with the Euroclear’s services.

Euroclear Finland offers a suite of services to support general meetings for companies of all sizes, from large stock exchange listed corporations to smaller non-listed companies, associations or any other smaller organization. Additionally, for companies in the book-entry system, Euroclear Finland provides the display of shareholder lists, registration of advance votes from the custody chain through SRDII compliant process and by using strong authentication from directly registered shareholders. Companies can opt for any combination of meeting options ranging from fully online, a hybrid model or a physical meeting. Using the Euroclear Finland meeting services ensures that legal requirements of the meeting are fulfilled and that every shareholder’s rights are respected. 


Further information:

Esa Kankkunen
Sales & Relationship Manager