Euroclear Sweden has launched a digital service allowing shareholders to digitally cast a postal vote prior to a General Meeting. The service launch coincides with a new Swedish law on temporary exceptions to facilitate General Meetings in companies and associations which came into force on 15 April 2020. The law allows limited companies to hold General Meetings with retained shareholder influence without the shareholders having to be physically present at the general meeting.


Euroclear Sweden’s new service allows shareholders to place their votes digitally ahead of the general meetings. Shareholders can use BankID verification on Euroclear Sweden’s website to send their postal vote to the general meeting removing the need to be physically present at the annual General Meeting in order to vote.

"Swedish limited companies are actively working to protect their shareholders during the COVID-19 pandemic. By launching a digital voting service, we are enabling shareholders to actively participate in General Meetings without needing to be there in person," says Michael Carty, CEO of Euroclear Sweden.

Euroclear Sweden has for several years provided solutions to support companies in their General Meetings and has lengthy experience in assisting limited companies in maintaining their registers of shareholders, as well as managing dividends and other corporate actions.

"Euroclear Sweden has worked with limited companies’ General Meetings for many years. We are pleased to be able to offer digital postal voting as a natural addition to our other General Meeting services," says Torkel Edström, Head of Euroclear Sweden’s General Meeting Services.

Link to Eurclear Sweden's service for digital postal voting >> 


For further information, please contact:

Karin Strand, Head of Communications, Euroclear Sweden
+46 736 84 92 62

Craig MacDonald, Head of Media Relations, Euroclear Group
+44 207 849 0315

About Euroclear Sweden

Euroclear Sweden has been the Swedish Central Securities Depository since 1971. As a financial market infrastructure, we provide issuance, settlement, safe-keeping and servicing of securities, which contribute to the secure and efficient functioning of the Swedish financial market. Since 2008, the company is part of Euroclear group, which includes Euroclear Bank - rated AA+ by Fitch Ratings and AA by Standard & Poor’s - as well as Euroclear Belgium, Euroclear Finland, Euroclear France, Euroclear Nederland, Euroclear Sweden and Euroclear UK & Ireland.

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Contact details

Karin Strand
Head of Communications, Euroclear Sweden
+46 736 84 92 62

Craig MacDonald
Head of Media Relations, Euroclear Group
Tel: +44 207 849 0315