When you register your company’s shares with Euroclear Sweden, you receive a digital share register with automated functions that eliminate the risks of manual handling.
Digital register of shareholders
Leave the administration to us
When you register your company’s shares with us, we take over the responsibility for keeping your share register up to date. This is what makes a digital share register with Euroclear Sweden different from many other types of digital share registers – you no longer need to update change of ownership and other changes in the company yourself.
How to get a digital share register with Euroclear
In order to get a digital share register with us, you first need to register your company’s shares in our system. This means that your business becomes a VPC-registered company.
Order share registers when needed
You will also get access to our web-based tool IssuerCorner. It allows you to:
- Order complete share registers and address registers
- Order a general meeting share register before an AGM
- Order dividends: We handle statements of earnings and deductions, as well as withheld preliminary tax for the Swedish Tax Agency.