Private Investors

Information for private investors

If you have questions regarding your VP account or about your private shareholding, please contact your bank as we are not able to help with inquiries regarding private individuals.

If you as a private individual trade for example a share in Sweden on for example a regulated market, you normally act via your bank or broker. After the trade in the market is finalised your bank/broker will register your newly acquired shares in a securities account. In Sweden there are two types of securities accounts available where one type, the VPC account, is kept via us and the other type, the custody account, is only kept with your bank/broker.


Even if you as a private individual do hold a VPC account in your name it’s still only your bank/broker (in the role as a so called account operator) that are eligible to administer that account with us. You as a private individual do not have access to open a VPC account directly via us nor log on to access your existing account. That’s only possible to do via your bank/brokeru hos din bank.

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