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Everything you need to manage your corporate actions

Public register of shareholders and nominee list of owners
  • Public registers of shareholders are produced automatically on the last banking day in each quarter in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act. The public register of shareholders is available in IssuerCorner on the banking day after the last day in the quarter.

  • The public nominee list of owners, where Euroclear Sweden compiles owners reported by the nominees as of the last day in the quarter, are produced automatically on the last banking day in each quarter in accordance with the Act on central securities depositories and financial instruments accounts. The public nominee list of owners is available in IssuerCorner on the sixth banking day after the last banking day in the quarter.

  • If you want to have information about all shareholders on a quarterly basis, then you can order this from us via email according to the price list. You receive a complete register of shareholders in PDF format and a text file that you can use as you wish, e.g. to obtain addresses or sort shareholders. 

  • Do you have a recurrent need to obtain information about all shareholders? Then you can utilise our supplementary service, Vantage by Euroclear, which enables you to subscribe to the information and you do not need to make separate orders each quarter. Contact us for further information.
General Meeting register of shareholders and dividends
  • The General Meeting register of shareholders is ordered via IssuerCorner as soon as the information about the General Meeting is public. 
  • 20 calendar days before the General Meeting, nominees have the opportunity to register underlying shareholders who wish to participate in the meeting. Such registration is called voting rights registration. The record date for the register of shareholders forming the base for the voting record, the General Meeting register of shareholders, occur six (6) banking days prior to the date of the General Meeting.
  • Is the issuer intends to decide on a cash dividend in the General Meeting, the issuer can at the same time as you order a General Meeting register of shareholders also register an order of distributing cash dividends (if the details of the cash dividend are publicly announced). After the General Meeting, when the decision on cash dividends has been made, you need to confirm the cash dividend in IssuerCorner.

Meeting notice

  • Euroclear Sweden also provide services for distributing meeting notices. Meeting notices are ordered via IssuerCorner but are however only available regarding shares and share related financial instruments traded on a regulated market within EEA. N.B. this meeting notice is not replacing any other way of noticing, it is merely a complement to those.
Address details for the owners
  • You can order address details regarding directly registered owners in IssuerCorner. Address details can contain addresses of recipients other than the shareholders. For owners who have a guardian or another representative (Sw: ombud) linked to the holding, addresses are produced for those persons instead.  
  • Address details are ordered for directly registered owners via IssuerCorner. The order can be made regarding a record date (a.k.a. retrieval date) on any future Swedish banking day, and also the current banking day if the order is placed before 3 pm.
  • The address details are available in IssuerCorner on the banking day after the record date specified in the order. You find the address details under the heading Issuer Interface/Orders, Delivered orders in txt format and as a PDF file (24 addresses per page).
  • In addition to the address details in file format, there is also a possibility order address labels with the address details printed on them when the address files are available in IssuerCorner.
Register of owners

The available types of register of owners are:

  • Register of shareholders - a register of shareholders contains all directly registered shareholders of a company', i.e. owners that have their holding in their own name directly in the CSD register, in what are known as VP accounts in Euroclear Sweden’s VPC system. Shareholders who have their holding in custody at a nominee are not specified in the register of shareholders.  Nominee registered holdings are included as a common entry in the nominee's name “in the owner's place” in the register of shareholders.
  • Nominee list of owners- a nominee list of owners contains shareholders who have had their shares or other financial instruments registered via a nominee and therefore hold their shares in custody with a nominee in a custody account. A nominee list of owners can be seen as a supplement to the register of shareholders where nominee registered holding are included as a common entry as described above.
  • Intermediary list of owners – an intermediary list of owners includes information from intermediaries regarding owners, and where applicable other intermediaries, to shares and share related financial instruments admitted to trading on a regulated market within EEA. Central securities depositories, nominees and other account providers are considered as intermediaries.
  • Public registers of shareholders are produced automatically on the last banking day in each quarter in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act. These registers contain direct registered shareholders who have more than 500 shares in the company. The register must be made available for the public both at Euroclear and at the company.
  • Public nominee list of owners - and nominee lists of owners are produced automatically on the last banking day in each quarter in accordance with the Act on central securities depositories and financial instruments accounts. These lists contain shareholders who are registered via a nominee and that have more than 500 shares in the company. The list must be made available for the public both at Euroclear and at the company.
  • General Meeting register of shareholders - the General Meeting register of shareholders is a register of shareholders that is produced prior to a General Meeting. The General Meeting register of shareholders is compiled after the record day end of day and is available to download from IssuerCorner in the morning of the second (2) banking day.

The General Meeting register of shareholders form the base for the voting record and  who are entitled to participate in the General Meeting and who can vote. The General Meeting register of shareholders contains the shareholders who have their shares registered in their own name in the register of shareholders (including the nominee registered shareholders who prior to the General Meeting have had their nominees to temporarily register the shares for voting rights in the General Meeting register of shareholders).

Ordering register of shareholders, nominee list of owners and intermediary list of owners
Register of shareholders
  • You can order a register of shareholders (directly registered shareholders and nominees on behalf of owners are included here) via IssuerCorner. The order can be made regarding a record date (a.k.a. retrieval date) on any on future Swedish banking day, and also the current banking day if the order is placed before 3 pm.
  • The register of shareholders is available in IssuerCorner on the banking day after the record date specified in the order. You find the register of shareholders under the heading Issuer Interface/Orders, Delivered orders in txt-format and as a pdf file. 
Nominee list of owners (compiled list of nominee registered shares/shareholders)
  • You can order a nominee list of owners (shareholders who have registered their shares via a nominee are included here) via IssuerCorner. The order can be made regarding a record date (a.k.a. retrieval date) on any future Swedish banking day. The order of a nominee list of owners needs to be placed prior to 3 pm. at least two (2) banking days prior to the record date. 
  • The nominee list of owners is available in IssuerCorner on the fourth (4) banking day after the record date specified in the order, i.e. at the earliest six (6) banking days after the order was placed. You find the nominee register of owners under the heading Issuer Interface/Orders, Delivered orders in txt format and as a PDF file.
Intermediary list of owners (compiled list of shareholders registered via intermediaries)
  • The intermediary list of owners can, just as register of shareholders and nominee list of owners, be ordered via IssuerCorner. An intermediary list of owners is however only available regarding shares and share related transferrable securities traded on a regulated market. In Sweden, regulated markets consist of Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap, Mid Cap, Small Cap and by NGM Equity.
  • An issuer that order an intermediary list of owners is notified that also other intermediaries than Euroclear Sweden are entitled to charge for services they provide.
  • The order can from and including 3 September 2020 be made with a record date (a.k.a. retrieval date) as of any future Swedish banking day. Orders of intermediary list of owners do however need to be registered prior to 3 pm at least two (2) banking days prior to the record date.
  • An intermediary list of owners will at the earliest be available in IssuerCorner on the second (2) banking day after the applicable record date, i.e. at the earliest four (4) banking days after the order was registered. You find the intermediary list of owners under the heading Issuer Interface / Orders, Finished Orders as a file formatted as txt.
Corporate actions and issuer agents

Euroclear Sweden offer services regarding corporate actions affecting the financial instruments record kept in our systems, from rights issues, stock split and bonus issues to tender offers and squeeze-out of minority shareholders.

The most common corporate action in our system is private placement. When your company has made up with the investors about the issuance of new shares, the share capital needs to be increased and registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. In connection with this you need to contact an issuer agent that will help you further with allocation of shares to the investors’ securities accounts.

Generally, the use of an issuer agent is mandatory regarding corporate actions where the shareholder has one or more choice/s, e.g.  if subscription rights are to be exercised for subscription of shares in a rights issue or not. The issuer agent records the choice of the shareholders on the relevant securities accounts. Otherwise you can contact us.
A list of Issuer Agents is available in the document below.

General meeting and dividend
  • You need to order the General Meeting register of shareholders via IssuerCorner as soon as the information regarding the General Meeting is public. 

  • The record date will automatically be, regarding General Meetings, the sixth (6) banking day prior to the date of the General Meeting. The General Meeting register of shareholders is available in IssuerCorner three (3) banking days prior to the date of the General Meeting. 
  • If the General Meeting decides on a cash dividend to the shareholders, you need to confirm this in IssuerCorner after the meeting in order to make the preliminary order of cash dividend definitive.

  • N.B. Bear in mind that information about General Meeting and/or dividend must be public before you place the order in IssuerCorner.
  • The total amount for the company's cash dividend must be settled in the company's s c payment account (a bank account opened by the issuer) no later than the payment date of the cash dividend.
  • In general, for Swedish CSD-registered companies the following schedule apply in relation to General Meeting and cash dividend distribution:
  • Date of General Meeting – 2 banking days -> Record Date for dividend payment – 3 banking days -> Payment date of the cash dividend.
Short glossary for new CSD-registered companies

Account operator

A bank or other legal person who has been accepted as an account operator in accordance with Chapter 3, section 1 of the Act on central securities depositories and financial instruments accounts and that manages the direct registered shareholder's securities accounts.


Classification of Financial Instruments (ISO 10962), code consisting of six letters.

CSD-registered company

A company with a record day provision in the articles of association and which has affiliated its securities to Euroclear Sweden.

Direct registered shareholder

A shareholder holding shares in its own name on a securities account directly in the CSD register.


Financial Instrument Short Name (ISO 18774), code of maximum 35 characters describing the characteristics of a financial instrument.

General Meeting list of owners

A register of shareholders drawn up in particular for a General Meeting. Contains all owner registered holders, and nominee registered holders who have temporarily registered their shares for voting at the GM.

Intermediary list of owners

The Intermediary list of owners contains information from intermediaries about owners, and if relevant other intermediaries, of shares and such share related transferrable securities admitted for trading on a regulated market within EEA. Intermediaries include central securities depositories, nominees and other providers of securities accounts. 


International Securities Identification Number (ISO 6166) a security’s unique 12 character ID number.

Issuer Agent

An account operator eligible to assist issuers and shareholders to manage corporate actions


Legal Entity Identifier (ISO 17442), is a unique 20 character code used to identify companies or entities in the financial market

Nominee list of owners

A list of owners that contains shareholders who have had their shares or other financial instruments registered via a nominee and therefore hold their shares in custody with a nominee in a custody account.

Nominee registered holder

A shareholder who have had their shares or other financial instruments registered via a nominee and therefore hold their shares in a custody account and not directly in the CSD register.

Public register of shareholders/Public list of owners

A register of shareholders/list of owners only showing  shareholders in a company that hold 501 shares or more. Contains 2 parts; a public register of shareholders and a public nominee list of owners.

Record date

The date when the shareholder must be entered in the CSD register (and when applicable also in the Register of shareholders) in order to be entitled to participate in a corporate action, be entitled to cash dividends etc.

Register of shareholders

A list of a company’s direct registered shareholders and nominees.

Total list of shareholders

A register of shareholders showing both direct- and nominee registered holders, i.e. a type of combined register of shareholders and a nominee list of owners.

Forms & pricelists

On this page we’ve gathered forms and documents relevant in order to affiliate a limited company or other types of issuers of financial instruments with us a central securities depository. You can also find our list of fees and charges, general terms and conditions for the service IssuerCorner and other relevant forms and documents.

On this page you can find our rule sets.

Additional services



If you have problems logging in or have other questions about the services in IssuerCorner, please contact us.

Phone: 08-402 91 11 
